party tips

Don’t Be “That Person” on Your Downtown Las Vegas Bar Crawl

When you’re hanging out in Las Vegas, don’t be THAT person—you know, the person we always talk about. The person we always see stumbling down the road, drunk, alone, and acting crazy. Yeah, THAT person. If you need a guide or some party tips to keep you from being said person, so be it.

Bar crawls are a fun way to experience a lot in just one evening. You can visit a ton of bars and restaurants with your friends safely. And we will be your designated driver for the evening, and we’ll leave you with just the responsibilities of pedaling the pub cycle and having fun with your group at each stop.

While DTLV bar crawls can be fun, it’s important to be safe while out and about. Trust us when we say, you don’t want to be “that person” in your group on your next pub crawl adventure.

Party Tips for Surviving Your DTLV Pub Crawl

Hydrate before you arrive

Las Vegas can be pretty brutal, especially during the summer months. The temperatures can reach into the triple digits, even in the evening, so it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day. Adding alcohol to the equation only heightens the importance of hydration.

Before you even embark on your pub crawl, hydrate yourself by drinking water or a sports drink. These drinks will help fight dehydration while on your bar crawl. It can even ease the hangover the very next day—that is if you enjoyed the pub crawl a little too much.

Pace yourself

Remember that pub crawls are meant to be a time to hang out with friends and enjoy the many places DTLV has to offer. It’s not a sprint to the finish, but rather a marathon where you can enjoy the scenic views.

We recommend having one drink per location. This way, you can try out some new drinks without overdoing it. Having a glass of water to accompany each drink will also help you keep to the one drink as well as keeping you hydrated as the bar tour continues.

Don’t stray from the pack

The point of a pub crawl outing is to have fun with your friends and others on the tour. It can be difficult to do that when one or more members of the group decide to stray from the pack.

If you need to leave your group for whatever reason, make sure to let someone know where you’ll be, or take a buddy with you. It’s best when the group stays together. Trust us, you’ll find everything you need at every stop: good drinks and fun people.

Book a Tour With us Today!

Follow these party tips for drinking safely and being all around a safe person, and you’re good to hang with the Vegas Pub Crawler. Be sure to book a fun night with us, if you’re cool.