friends enjoying drinks

6 Spectacular Tips for Surviving a Summer Pub Crawl

Nothing says “fun” like a night of flowing alcohol and debauchery. You get that on a pub crawl with friends in Las Vegas. But if you have never been on one of these interactive and entertaining evenings of frolic, you may need some bar crawl tips to make sure you survive a summer pub crawl—especially in the intense heat of the desert!

The last thing you want to do is pass out from dehydration or be “that guy” slurring and not able to stand by himself after the first bar. Check out our top six tips for surviving a summer pub crawl.

Feelin’ the Heat: 6 Tips to Survive a Summer Pub Crawl  

Manage your money

Now that you’re wondering how to do a pub crawl, the main goal is to not break the bank! Vegas Pub Crawler offers drink specials specific to our riders, but you still want to pace yourself and plan ahead of time how many drinks you can enjoy at each bar to stay within your budget.

Remember that even though you’re feeling like a millionaire as you’re bar-hopping with the posse, resist the temptation to buy a round on the first stop. It’s okay if you refrain from purchasing the top-shelf for this trip. You can spoil yourself if you see that one drink that’s on your unicorn list, but make choices that your wallet will thank you for on the rest of your trip.

Liquor before beer?

When you’re deciding what the drink of choice will be for the night, evaluate your previous drinking record. Mixing alcohol and beer may make you more likely to vomit, but it may also increase the chances of getting drunk faster. Pick your poison, as they say.

If you’re usually a one-drink wonder, you’ll want to decide to stay with one type of drink. And remember not to succumb to peer pressure. You know your body best.

Why can’t we be friends

No friend gets left behind! Whether you’re with a large group or your small clique, you’ll want to keep a watchful eye over everyone in your tribe. You know all your friends’ personalities, so be prepared for that rambunctious rebel or drunk wanderer. It will save you the drunken “I don’t know where I am at” text later.

You can also be proactive and have a “Find my Friend” or SnapMaps for your group, so you can find each other if something happens.

Hydrate, hydrate, and eat!

Temperatures in Las Vegas during the summer can range from 100-115 degrees. (It’s the desert!) So, if you aren’t used to Las Vegas weather, it can be brutal. When temperatures reach the triple digits, even in the evening, it’s essential to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

We recommend way before you embark on your pub crawl, hydrate by drinking water or a sports drink. When you’re proactive, it will help fight dehydration later. It can also help ease the hangover.

What to wear

First, you don’t want to wear heels or any article of clothing that may cause a wardrobe malfunction. You’ll be walking and peddling, so we recommend wearing something comfortable and light.

What time is it? Gametime!

When you engage in group drinking, that competitive spirit may come out. Don’t feel pressured to start downing drinks because your BFF is a double-fist pro. Picture yourself vomiting in the street or Uber, and make it the goal to not do that.

Instead, a fun drinking game could be a good pacer. They are entertaining and add to the camaraderie and good vibes of the crawl. When choosing to play, remember you are still pacing yourself. And adding liquid courage to the competition may bring the fiery spirit of the “angry drunks.”

Book Your Vegas Pub Crawl Today!

When you follow these pub crawl party tips, you’re sure to not only survive but thrive. We believe in safety first, but definitely, don’t forget to have fun. We know that with Vegas Pub Crawler, your friends and the best bars in Las Vegas, you’re sure to accomplish all. Don’t wait to book an epic night of surviving a summer pub crawl.